Synopsis : In the year 20XX, mysterious meteors bombard the Earth and usher in an age of horrific beasts known as ‘ANOROC’, hunting and killing humans for their life force. The Earth has one last defender against them; her name is ‘LION-GIRL’.
Movie Title...: Lion-Girl (2023)
Format File ..: mkv
Quality ......: BluRay x264
Audio ........: 2CH AAC Japanese
File Size ....: 480p (542MB), 720p (1.09GB), 1080p (2.2GB)
Runtime ......: 2h 1min
Subtitle .....: English Softcoded
Screenshot ...: View
Source .......: 1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC5.1-LAMA
Tagline:Thought you had enough superhero movies? Think again.
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